PERTECO Advanced Water Treatment Plant


The technical article regarding PERTECO Advanced Water Treatment Plant for a 1'500'000 tpy Meltshop,...

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PERT FLUR System - Technical Article MPT


The technical article regarding PERT FLUR (Fast Lock/Unlock Ring) System for wire rod blocks and can...

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PERT at SEAISI 2013, Pattaya Thailand, 3-6 June.


PERT will participate as a speaker at SEAISI 2013 Conference (South East Asia Iron & Steel Institute...

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PERT at AISTECH 2013, Pittsburgh USA, May,7


PERT will participate as a speaker at AISTECH 2013 Conference, that will be held in Pittsburgh USA, ...

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New PERT BS Stands technical article


The latest technical article regarding the second generation of PERT BS Stands, published on MPT Int...

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New brochure PERT Equipment and Engineering


The new version of PERT brochure regarding Equipment and Engineering, is now online in the download ...

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PERT at INDOMETAL 2013, Jakarta 20-23 of February


PERT will be present at INDOMETAL 2013 in JAKARTA, from 20 to 23 of February. Our staff will be hap...

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PERT new website


PERT is pleased to present the new web site, through which you can discover all the innovations and ...

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